Wednesday, May 19, 2010

HaRi GuRu..

Yesterday I joined@lepak kat tepi jer tgk budak2 and guru sambut hari guru di sekolah aqil..hmm...boleh lah...buat2 rehatkan minda..but i think that the celebration is not so ...hmmm...well tak yah la describe detail yek...just to say that boleh la..actually i tak pegi sesaja nak menyibuk join depa ni punya hari happened to be that i have to dress aqil since takde sape yg tau pakaikan aqil kimono...yes..he joined the pakaian beragam..mmg ramai le yg join pakaian beragam tu..dari standard 1 - 6..macam2 baju anda fesyen yg kuar...ada koboi la, english lady la..pakaian kampung la..and not to forget my lil samurai...hehehe...
hadiah hari guru lak...i asked Aqil to buy it using his money..saja nak ajar dia guna duit simpanan utk guru2 tersayang..tapi mmg beli tak mahal la...heheh..sebab cikgu ada 10 org ma...yg penting ikhlas yek..tul tak cikgu2..? actually when we went to buy present the day before yesterday..i saw mommies bought the present on behalf of their children...yupp!!the children just choose the presents and mommies will pay for it..hmm...hadiah yg diorg pilih boleh tahan le mahal ...hahah...bankrupt le mommy kalau aqil buat gitu...tapi the main thing matter what you give to your teacher, it is not that important..the important thing is, do the best in your exam and life,and that will be the best present for them..and make them proud of you CORRECT OR NOT?? Bukan hanya omongan kosong..but my mother was a teacher and she remembered them who succeeded in their life and my cousin Edy(my mom taught him..hehhe..), Lan, Azri, Abg. Jabar,K. Nita and .....tak ingat dah...ramai sgt...but I tak penah le belajar ngan mom I since I went to mom worked in front of our house jer..but I have to take a bus to school...jauh do the best must fight with the best student maaa...:p but i like fighting wif them especially Suan Nee, Jenny, Jega,Jee Sim, Fazira ....hmmm tak ingat dah sape lagi...:p seronok ingat balik memori zaman kanak2 dulu...zaman sambutan hari guru...zaman end of the nice at Convent SP...


mrs.jishin said...

eh..takde gambar samurai aqil ke.. heheh

Unknown said...

kak yan...takde kamera...kamera cek rosak..dan tak berganti sempat guna kamera cikgu dia jer..nnt nak minta kat cikgu dia