Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Tag by Ayin...

The challenge is :

- GO to your photos folder in your computer

-GO to the 6th Folder of your photos

-GO to the 6th photos in that folder

-Put the picture on your blog & description of it.

-Invite 6 friends to join the challenge

-Link them in your blog & let them know they have been challenged.

*Here goes...
heheheh..beday girl..An...ni last year nyer gambar ni...an dok pegang kek besday dia...:p

Now, I'm tagging:
1. Mimi
2. CT
3. Aru(lepas sihat buat na)
4. Kak Hani(bnyk gamabr cantik ni..:p)
5. Kak Noni
6. Kak Amie

Selamat menjalankan homework...Lega dah abih buat HW tag..tapi kat FB ada lagi kena buat....ururururururu.....

To Aru...really hope that you're ok...


~Umi.Sufira~ said...

thank you ling TAG I,kekeke..BTW, aru warded sebab kena minor surgery on lef side 'B'..details kita tunggu dia balik yor..

Unknown said...

oo ye ke...siannyer dia...nntbuat tau hw :p

-aN- said...

uikk! gambaq cheq yg comey!!
d' 6th pic in d' 6th folder..
malu plak rasenye gambo sensorang dok terpampang kat sini.. kikiki..
gatai! :p

Unknown said...

hahahha..malu konon...:p nnt cek expose lagi gambaq ngan bert bert baru tau...:p

Umar said...

dua tugasan kena buat nih....hehehhehe....k.noni simpan dlm folder dulu ye aja....buat tugasan nak kena guna tenaga banyak tuh...hehehhehe

Unknown said...

Kak Noni -> heheh..boleh..boleh..boleh...np..tapi kena buat la nnt yek.. :p

Mommy Harith Hannah said...

kak Aja, thanks! mmuahhh!

Insya Allah, confirm buat punya... I kan sekarang nie 'honeymoon' kat umah... muahahaha... *wink*